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  • Differences - Avril 2017

    The differences between German life and French life :
    During the trip I saw many differences like red lights. In France, we don’t have red lights for bikes but in Germany they have and the light is orange before it becomes green.
    German people don’t have hours to eat because in Germany I had dinner at 6:30 p.m or 9:00 p.m.
    At the weekend they eat their breakfast and their lunch together : it’s the brunch.
    German houses are often in black bricks, the first child often has a very large (...)

  • At The Ice Rink : the movie - Avril 2017


  • From Germany Day 7 /Aus Deutschland Tag7 - Ice rink - Avril 2017

    With my pen-friend we went to school . We went to a German class with Simon, Laura, Nicolas and Lou between 8 a.m at 9:35 a.m. After, we went ice skating . It was fantastic . We went to my pen-friend’s home then we went to the water park. When we arrived at home, we ate spaghetti. Antoine
    From 8 am to 1 0 o’clock ,I was in class wit h m y corespondan t . I was wit h Mari e, Mathild e, Le a,Emmanuelle and Camille . I have write a descriptio n o f one imag e. Fro m 1 0 am 1 (...)

  • My week end in Germany - Avril 2017

    Saturday 1 April :
    I woke up and got dressed at 9:40 am. At 10:00 am, I had my breakfast with my pen-pal and at 10:30, i went to brush my teeth. At 10:45 am, I went to Clara’s (the best friend of Malin, my pen-pal) and Lucie (the pen-pal of Clara) to go shopping. At 11:00 am, we arrived at Wesel and we started our shopping. We went to H&M, New Yorker,... At 1h30 pm, we went to a shop to eat an ice cream. I bought an ice cream with a Kit Kat, M&M’s and marshmmallows and it is called : (...)

  • From Germany Day 4 /Aus Deutschland Tag4 - Otto Pankok Museum and the Party - Mars 2017

    We arrived at school at eight o’clock and we went to the Pankok museum by bike. It lasted one hour. When we were there, we did a test and after we ate our food. We drew with charcoal like Otto Pankok. After we came back to school at quarter past twelve. And we ate at Burger King with our penfriend. After we went to the lake by bike and we put our feet in the water and we played in the water with Simon, Justin, Antoine, Giulia, Norah, Lou L., Emmanuelle, Léa, Lou C., Léna and Louise. After we (...)

  • From Germany Day3/Aus Deutschland Tag3 - Mars 2017

    Aujourd’hui, journée au zoo, avec nos correspondants. Une belle occasion de réviser le vocabulaire des animaux !
    Today we went to the zoo with our penfriends. The zoo was divided into three parts : There was Asia, Africa and Alaska. In Alaska there was a raccoon,a polar bear and a sea lion. In Africa there was a hyena, a girafe and an antelope. In Asia there was a vivarium, a dromedary and orangutans In Alaska there was a sensational attraction called Ice adventure. Justin
    Thursday, 30 (...)

  • From Germany Day 2/Aus Deutschland Tag2 - Mars 2017

    Aujourd’hui visite de l’école et travail dans les classes. L’après-midi nous avons fait un rallye découverte de Wesel.
    This morning, we went to our penpal’s school, we visited their school and after that we went into class with them. We ate in the school. And in the afternoon we did a rally in Wesel. Finally in the evening, we returned to our family. Lou C.
    In the morning, we went to school with our penpals , and we had lessons with them. We had lunch all together. In the afternoon we made a (...)

  • Day 1 The trip ... Die Reise - Mars 2017

    Voyage long mais sans histoires. A l´arrivée, l’excitation est à son comble. Nos correspondants nous attendent avec impatience !!!
    Heute sind wir von Montlouis sur Loire um 8:00 Uhr weggefahren. Die Reise war lang aber es war gut ,weil wir mit unsere Freunden waren. Wir hatten um 12 Uhr 30 eine Pause gemacht zum Essen. Danach sind wir um 13 Uhr 30 weitergefahren. Wir sind um 15 Uhr in Belgien angekommen und später in Holland. Die Sonne schien die ganze Zeit. Die Reise schien uns lang , weil (...)

  • Allemagne 2017 : Top départ - Mars 2017

    Départ mardi 28 mars à 8h15
    Rendez-vous à 7h45, avenue d’Appenweier. Nous avons décalé le départ d’un quart d’heure afin de laisser partir les bus scolaires.
    Ne pas oublier * médicaments si mal des transports * pique nique + goûter ( arrivée prévue vers 19h)
    A la montée dans le bus présenter * carte d’identité ou passeport * carte européenne d’assurance maladie * lutin, carnet, feuilles, trousse en vue du travail à faire dès le premier jour.
    Voir ci-joint le programme du séjour...
    Mmes Fenton et (...)