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Par : M.Lizé
Publié : 31 mars 2017
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From Germany Day 4 /Aus Deutschland Tag4 - Otto Pankok Museum and the Party

We arrived at school at eight o’clock and we went to the Pankok museum by bike. It lasted one hour. When we were there, we did a test and after we ate our food. We drew with charcoal like Otto Pankok. After we came back to school at quarter past twelve. And we ate at Burger King with our penfriend. After we went to the lake by bike and we put our feet in the water and we played in the water with Simon, Justin, Antoine, Giulia, Norah, Lou L., Emmanuelle, Léa, Lou C., Léna and Louise. After we bought cakes for the party with Marie, Louise and our penfriends. Then we went to the party around at six o’clock pm.

Friday, 31 march
Today we went to the Otto Pankok museum by bike without our penfriends (it was very very very long but it was cool....). We answered a test about the life of Otto Pankok and we visited the museum. After we ate our snack and we drew like Otto Pankok (with charcoal. It was very hard) and we took a picture together with our drawings. Then we came back to see our penfriends and I went to Burger King to eat with Lou and our penfriends. After we went to the lake to see the "French people" and all the pendfriends and we played in the water all together because it was very hot (but the water was very cold). Then we went to the market by bike (again....) to buy food for the fiesta with Marie and Manou and we came back at about 6 o’clock to go to the party with my penfriend, it was very cool, and even the teachers danced. We ate at the party and we came back at about 10 o’clock to sleep. It was a very long and hard day but it was very cool.
Louise F