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Par : M.Lizé
Publié : 30 mars 2017
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From Germany Day3/Aus Deutschland Tag3

Aujourd’hui, journée au zoo, avec nos correspondants. Une belle occasion de réviser le vocabulaire des animaux !

Today we went to the zoo with our penfriends.
The zoo was divided into three parts :
There was Asia, Africa and Alaska.
In Alaska there was a raccoon,a polar bear and a sea lion.
In Africa there was a hyena, a girafe and an antelope.
In Asia there was a vivarium, a dromedary and orangutans
In Alaska there was a sensational attraction called Ice adventure.

Thursday, 30 March.

We went to school at eight o clock.
Then, we took a bus to visit a zoo.
Before starting the visit, we went to a shop. There were stuffed animals, glasses or postcards.
After, first we visited "Africa"
There were monkeys, zebras, giraffes...
Second we visited "Alaska"
There were white bears, seals, flamingos, pelicans...
Third we visited "Asia"
There were tigers, elephants, rhinoceros...
There were free attractions available ( boat tour, 3D cinema )
And also different sculptures ( a tunnel under glass to watch the seals, wooden bridges...)
Then, we got back onto the bus and we were very tired because the zoo was very big.

Heure besuchten sie einen zoo aber for der ankunft hat sie 3/4 Stunden mit ein bus. Als wir ankamen, besuchten wir zuerst die welt afrikas. Wir sahen Löwen, Giraffen... Dann besuchten wir die welt von Alaska, und wir sehen Eisbär... Und für das ende , besuchten wir die welt von asiatischen, und wir sehen Panda’Panda, Affe...
Danach gingen wir zum entsprechend, um diesen schönen tag eu beenden !
Laura M