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Publié : 31 mars 2019
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Our week end in Wesel

Pendant le week end, nos élèves vécurent encore de nombreuses aventures...

Chaima and Lisa went to Oberhausen museum.
Hugo went karting and many others did a karaoke.
They had dinner in a restaurant...
Manon D went to Cologne,

Et bien d’autres choses... Regardez les photos !
Et cette vidéo !!!

Saturday 30 March

In the morning, I went walking with Hannah and her dog. We went to the bakery, this was good for me.I ate at around 11:00 am and then we went tree climbing. I didn’t like some parts because I thought it was too high.
Then, we went shopping. I didn’t buy anything because I thought it was too expensive. After shopping, we went to eat on a restaurant at 4pm. The burger was good !
Manon L

On Saturday, I got up at 10:30 am, I went down to have a hot chocolate for breakfast with a sandwich then we went to the supermarket where we stayed shopping with Helena, Pierre’s penfriend, Emily, Florent’s penfriend. Then we went out, Helena, Emily, Cora and I talked while Pierre and Florent were playing football.
Then we got back home, made a pizza and went up to Helena’s room and we did a game until10:30 pm. My penfriend’s mom picked us up at midnight and we went to bed.

On Saturday, we visited the Gazometer which is now transformed into a museum and there was an exhibition. Then we went to Centro, we did shopping and we went to a party at Chaima’s penfriend’s. We ate pizzas and we played PlayStation.

Sunday 31st March

We woke up at 11:30am and we had breakfast then we went to a mini golf. We saw Angie, Romane and their penfriends. The mini golf was cool. Then we went home and Julia and Anais left. We tidied our room because it was messy.
Manon M

In the morningCora’s mom came to wake us up at 10am to have breakfast. All together, we ate eggs, croissants and hot chocolate. Then we got ready to go to the zoo. We were in the zoo all day long. It was awesome. I taught her some animals’s names In French and in German and in English. We laughed a lot. I loved that day. In the evening, we went home and went to sleep at around 9:30pm.