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Publié : 29 mars 2019
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Second day in Wesel Friday 29 March

Aujourd’hui sortie à Vélo pour aller au musée « Otto Pankok ». Une heure de balade tranquille à vélo à travers champs et forêts sous un magnifique soleil pour arriver au musée. Otto Pankok, artiste 1893-1966, dessinait au fusain les paysages, les animaux et les personnes pauvres. Après une petite présentation de l’artiste, les élèves ont choisi une de ses œuvres. On leur a fourni à chacun un fusain et du papier dessin et ils ont joué les artistes en essayant de reproduire au mieux l’oeuvre choisie. Certains se sont ainsi découvert un talent caché.
De retour au lycée nous avons souhaité un bon weekend en famille aux élèves. Nous espérons les retrouver lundi avec plein de belles anecdotes à nous raconter.

We went by bike. It was great, i had fun with my friends.It was very hot. We visited the museum of Otto Pankok, which was his old barn. I didn’t like his works because it is very dark then we drew with charcoal and we came back always by bike. In the evening, Helena and me went to Julia’s home for a party, There was Manon D, Florent, Romane, Anaïs, Manon M, Jade, Angie, and their correspondants. The party was boring...

On Friday, we went to Otto Pankok museum by bike with the bikes of our correspondants. It was great but the bikes were super big and not at all like in France, so it was a bit difficult and there were some accidents but the scenery was beautiful and we saw deers.
We arrived at the museum, it was cool but my favorite moment was when we drew because everyone took it seriously and did his best. Luka impressed me with his drawing skills. Once we came back, with the mother of my correspondent and my correspondent we went shopping in a huge mall called Centroids. It was great ! I bought a lot of things because it was not very expensive.. I went to the restaurant, ate a burger and after we went to a party withRomane, Angie, ManonM, Anais, Florent, Jade, Pierre and their correspondants.It was so good.
Manon D

On Friday, we went to the Otto Pankok museum by bike with our beautiful helmets ! We had a presentation of Otto Pankok and Eva Pankok’s lives and we did a reproduction of Pankok’s painting. When we arrivés at our penfriends’ school, I took the bus with Julia, it was so long. After I ate and a friend of Julia arrived with her penfriends, Pierre and two other friends, Alina, she doesn’t have a penfriend, and Cora with Jade. The party started at 7 pm and finished at 11 pm.